
Panic Attack at the Airport | Skyeina

Hellooo!!! The Internet, Skyeina here. So, I’ve written about how I have panic attacks at Train Stations especially if I’m going to London. This half term I knew I was going to Scotland to see my family and had to travel there by train and aeroplane but what I didn’t expect was the amount panic attacks at the airport and only a few shakes at the Train Station. What the hell is going on with my damn anxiety? 

Mainly I believe I was calm on the train because my mum was panicking about our flights etc but I got to the airport and tears and panic kept coming over and over.

Firstly, I would start shaking and crying because of a situation but then I get annoyed that I can’t control it leading to more tears and general shakings and to further it I panic because I’m ruining my makeup and its all a blur and my heart is beating a hundred miles per hour along with my hands. 

Overall, it wasn’t a good airport trip and I was so panicky I went straight through duty-free (massive head palm) honestly why, why anxiety? 

I did do breathing techniques and they seemed to work but then something else would trigger it, I honestly don’t think overly crowded airports are my thing.

However, one thing that did help was reading my calming book series and before you judge me I just wanna take the time to say I don’t give a damn and it makes me feel better. The book I always read to help me with my anxiety is ‘Girl Online'; I can already hear the judgement but oh well its damn true.

Please don’t say I’m the only one who has panic attacks at the worst times and if you have any stories and any techniques for anxiety let me know in the comments or email me at


Hellooo!!! The Internet, Skyeina here. So, today I'm discussing how to improve your self-esteem, and I completely understand insecurities especially when we're in a world that tells us we have to act and look a certain way.

I'm absolutely aware I'm not size 6 or even size 10 but I don't care anymore, I used to a lot but I don't care because I know I'm healthy and I do exercise. I used to go into changing rooms and cry my eyes out but the thing is everyone has different body types and because I'm short I'm expected to be flat-chested and super skinny which I'm clearly not.

How I improved my self-esteem is very simple to say but hard to put into action. I realised I shouldn't care what people say, and only care about what my two best friends and my parents think as they have my best interest since they aren't trying to tear me down to feel better about themselves.

One important thing to remember is everyone is insecure about something, you just have to be confident enough in yourself that you slay that walk every damn day. Also, remember to take care of yourself.

If you have any tips let me know in the comments or email me at

Photo Credit: Isobel Doo Lawrie

Hellooo!!! So, I have done a similar post to this but as a list of what they can do in a list but instead, I'm going to explain in a letter i wish i could give to my friends to explain my anxiety and i'm sure many other people feel this way too.

Dear Friend,
I don't want you to get hurt so I push you away but honestly I want you to stay and tell me that it's okay- something so simple but its hard to tell someone thats what you want. I fear when I have a panic attack you will leave me in the cold alone when I need you the most. I don't want you to worry; I just want to know that you're there when I need someone to talk to. What I really want is for you to annoyingly check up on me and just give me a hug for no damn reason. That's the truth, my truth at least.

If there is anything else you want me to do on my blog let me know in the comment section or email me at

Photo Credit: Isobel Doo Lawrie

Hellooo!!! Today, I'm talking about loneliness. I do have friends and they're good friends but i'm not talking about that kind of loneliness nor the relationship type . Im taking about the kind that creeps up on you in the middle of a crowd and it seems like everyone's moving expect you.
Its that kind when you're on a bus looking out the window and everyone's voices seem muted.
Its that kind when even though you're with your closet friends you still feel distanced, unreachable and sad but you don't know why.
Its that kind that makes you feel numb like you're in a dream and never waking up but its that kind of dream where you don't know whether in fact its a dream or a nightmare.
Its that kind when you almost feel like you're drowning with no-one in sight that could possibly help and you're becoming weak. 

Photo Credit: Isobel Doo Lawrie

To be honest, its the worst kind of loneliness. 
I will be doing the cure to loneliness in my next blog post but till then goodbye my sweeties.

Photo Credit : Isobel Doo Lawrie

 Hellooo!!! The Internet, today I'm giving you my tips for when your having a panic attack and instead of losing control, you take control of that damn annoying mind of yours because we all know our heads always make the panic attacks worse.

Photo Credit : Isobel Doo Lawrie

When having a panic attack you struggle to breathe and just can't stop crying ,therefore, having this weird sound between crying and not breathing. However, there are many breathing exercise you can do:
- Holding your index finger on one side of your nose and your thumb in the other then take turns in breathing in and out.
-Take your hand and hold it flat out whilst taking your other hand and trace your finger up (breathing in) and down the outside of your finger (breathing out) - this one is useful when a panic attack is coming because you can simply do this under a table before the full panic comes on.
-Close your eyes and focus on the sounds around you -this one helps if your with a close friend- and throw away all the negative thoughts and try and centre yourself.

Of course, anxiety is different for different people so you can try these breathing techniques or change them to suit you. I will be doing more techniques in the later future.

If you have anymore techniques let me know in the comments or email me at

Tips for helping a friend with Anxiety-
Hellooo!!! The Internet, Skyeina here. As many of you might know I have anxiety and I know others who also have it. Over the years, I have created a list of ways to help someone with anxiety.

1) Be there. JUST BE THERE. They just need to know there is somewhere to go or someone to see to help them when they feel anxious.

2) Don't judge them. If you do then they will feel something is wrong about them and become even more anxious.

3) Let them cry, give them a hug or two and even cry with them. This way they know you care and they can be themselves around you.

4) Listen. AS SIMPLE AS THAT LISTEN. Sometimes they need to talk to someone and maybe they want advice but most the time they just what to be able to get it off their shoulders.

5) If they are starting to have an anxiety attack; be there with them, breath deeply to calm them and just look into their eyes. This can make someone feel no-one is watching and take them to a calmer place.

Do guys want me to do an advice on anxiety attacks post??? 
How Anxiety Effects Others-
Hellooo!!! The Internet, Skyeina here. Today, I'm discussing the effects that your anxiety has on others. For me, the two ones who are most affected by my anxiety are my brother and mother. The most thing I hate about my anxiety is seeing how much worry it causes my mum and seeing her realise she can't do anything. It has made me see how close I and my brother really are because he knows exactly what would make me feel better; his gorgeous blue eyes look deep into mine he hugs me tight and cries with me. He just lets me fall apart in his arms and then fit back again and his only six years old.

However, my anxiety effects people by:
1- my best friend has to watch me over and over in panic attack and she shouldn't have too.
2- my dad has to watch me break over and over and know he can't do anything.
3- my friends have to watch me in confusion because well I don't like talking about it.
4- my ex-best friend can't see the girl she used to know
5- my other best friend has to watch me fake over and over and say I'm fine to everyone but he can see I'm not.

So yeah, life sucks it really does.
Living with Mental Health Issues
Living with mental health problems is a struggle and makes you push people away because you don't want to hurt them or let them see you like this. It also makes you say no to things that you should do but you think you can't handle it or you aren't motivated and can't bear to get up. Mental health problems affect 1 in 4 people yet still people don't understand it. Mental health makes a situation hard to deal with so you act out in a way you wouldn't normally or you completely shut down because the thought makes you numb at the knees and tears coming rolling down in waves. I know this isn't my happiness blog post but we need to raise awareness.
Where I've Been

Hellooo!!! The Internet, Skyeina here. I haven't been active recently and that is for the reason that I haven't been myself due to recent experiences that have caused my anxiety to completely take me over. As much as I try there are dark days when I'm in a state where I'm just watching my life go by and screaming inside. The worst cries are the silent ones late at night when you're hoping nobody listening. Throughout my years of growing up have not been the best with being bullied and losing friends. I put an act on around most people because otherwise, that leaves me open for them to hurt me but I have found its the ones closest hurt the most. 
Does anyone else feel like that too sometimes???

My Tips when having a Bad Day

I have these types of days more often then I would like to say but throughout my years of dealing with it, I created a list of helpful tips to make you feel relaxed or just less anxious.

1. Distract yourself with that be with a film or a tv show. I always go back to either Gossip Girl or Gilmore Girls for tv shows and Harry Potter or Twilight, If you're being really brave sherlock or Pretty Little Liars but do not start a new series because you being sad will be all you remember about it.

2. Surround yourself with your pals. Whether that be your mum or your best friend; it should be someone who won't judge, slightly understands and you can just bawl your eyes out to. I'm lucky I have such amazing family and mum who will do anything for me. My brother may be annoying but he knows when I'm down and gives me a hug and cries with me. My dad may not understand but he is there even if we have a fight and thats important to me.

3. Write a letter to your anxiety or who is making you feel like that and then burn it. This technical will let you realise why you're upset and let you understand what to do next.

4. Let yourself cry and watch something that makes you remember all the good things in your life. To me, it is watching back my vlogs or watching Zoella or Sophdoesnails because I could watch them on repeat. In fact, I do because even though they don't have the same anxiety they do have anxiety so it makes me think if they can go on so can I.

If you have any others tips leave them in the comments below.

Pink Lush Bubbleroom 'Rosa Jam', Hollister Christmas Edition and Tea Lights.

 Hellooo!!! The Internet, Skyeina here. After a very stressful day and love to either cosy up in my duvets or a bath boom bath. My favourite thing to do is watch a tv series and today (as my bath was pink- duh) I went for Gossip Girl. If you have not heard of Gossip Girl where have you been and if you have not watched it you have not lived! The Main reason I love a nice bath after a stressful day is because its time when I'm alone and just let life be life; not worrying all the time about what's around the corner. Even if you don't have anxiety I still recommend having time to yourself.

What do you do to calm yourself down???


The Day I Let My Anxiety Become Me

There are days when I struggle to get up all the day; I was there but not really there. It's like a dream only there's no waking and the truth surfaces over me 'I'm broken and no one can fix it'. All I did today watch lay on the sofa and watch House of Anubis whilst screaming and crying inside. This feeling and I have been together most my life due to events in my life that I may share one day but not today... My anxiety is always there and has become a part of me but I don't want it to so I try 24/7 to be happy but it's exhausting so once in a while I have days like this where I physically can't get up even if you stuck 1 million pounds at the end of my bed.



The Rain

As many of you would know I live in Britain. Britain is known for three things: weather, tea, and football. Let’s just say the weather isn’t terrible but it isn’t great either. So the number one tip if you go to Britain, is bring an umbrella-ella, rain coat, and boots.
Is it just me but the rain makes me think??? I don’t know exactly why. I maybe just a pathetic fallacy writer. When I mean think, I do mean think. Hard, tough and rough times just seem to come back all at once, therefore making me extremely emotional. Then memories sneak out my eyes and roll down my cheeks till there’s so many I drown in my own sorrow and break because I’m only human.
Sorry to leave on an ugly, bitter and sour note but sadly it’s the just the learning writer in me.

