Book - All the Bright Places Review

Hellooo!!! The Internet, Skyeina here. Today, I'm blogging about the book called All the Bright Places. All the Bright Places is by the author Jennifer Niven. The book begins with the two main characters- Violet and Finch- on the ledge of the bell tower at school. Finch is trying to stay Awake and not go to the Asleep whilst Violet is trying to become herself before the accident. They do a geography project together and wander, which brings them together.
Absolutely amazing with heartbreak, tears and humour.
The reason I love it so much is because I have an understanding of Finch when he makes a new Finch.  This is a result of me also being a different person every week such as Skye Waldorf or Skye Gilmore etc. All the Bright Places is an all rounded book and a must read.
