Lifestyle - That Girl

Hellooo!!! The Internet, Skyeina here. Today, I’m blogging about my 1-minute thoughts that went through my head when I saw a girl.
Sometimes I go to a place called Smith and Western, I don’t particularly like it but my brother does. Therefore I was there when I walked past a girl, this was an ordinary girl however she looked like me when I was her age. I started to panic because I didn’t want her to end up like me aka screwed up.
However, once I saw how she acted, I released, of course, she wasn’t like me.
She might look like me but she acted like the types of people that got me when I am. I wanted to bawl my eyes out not because she wasn’t me but how the people she hurts would end up like me. 
Every forty seconds someone commits suicide.
1 in 4 people will go through mental health.
What the hell is wrong with bullies???
Why??? Stop it before it’s too late.
I know this blog wasn’t the cheeriest post but it’s important and I might do a post on bullying soon.
