Lifestyle - Food For Friends Restaurant Review

Photo Credit: Skye Collacott Williamson

Photo Credit: Skye Collacott Williamson

Hellooo!!! The Internet, Skyeina here. Today, I'm blogging about my recent trip to a vegetarian and vegan restaurant in Brighton called Food for Friends. I have been there many times because its amazing; however, it is somewhat pricey. Depending on what you find expensive.
Photo Credit: Skye Collacott Williamson

The drink I had was most beautiful, lovely and amazing taste; the drink was Devon Raspberry Crush. If you love raspberries than i highly recommended this.

Photo Credit: Skye Collacott Williamson

To share for starter, we had the Bread Basket and MY GOD it is delicious. The bread was so tasty ; bear in mind I don't normally like bread. However, I am a huge fan of dips which i like anyway but they are unbelievable. 

Photo Credit: Skye Collacott Williamson

For my own starter, I had tofu, rice and mushrooms. Based on what ingredients I said, it may sound boring but its far from it. Its rich in stunning favour.

Photo Credit: Skye Collacott Williamson

Can I just say, I didn't think my main would be this big. So, the main I had was mango, avocado, tofu, wasabi nuts and salad. There was marvelous favour with the mango, mango drizzle and avocado. It is one of my favorite new dishes.

Photo Credit: Skye Collacott Williamson

I just had to have desert; their desert are wonderful. So, the desert I had with mango vegan ice cream and these coconut ball things covered in sugar. Underneath the ice cream there was strawberries which adds to the unique favour.

So, its the end of the blog post; i hoped you enjoyed it. Also, do you want me to do more food review???
