Anxiety - My Tips when having a bad day

I have these types of days more often then I would like to say but throughout my years of dealing with it, I created a list of helpful tips to make you feel relaxed or just less anxious.

1. Distract yourself with that be with a film or a tv show. I always go back to either Gossip Girl or Gilmore Girls for tv shows and Harry Potter or Twilight, If you're being really brave sherlock or Pretty Little Liars but do not start a new series because you being sad will be all you remember about it.

2. Surround yourself with your pals. Whether that be your mum or your best friend; it should be someone who won't judge, slightly understands and you can just bawl your eyes out to. I'm lucky I have such amazing family and mum who will do anything for me. My brother may be annoying but he knows when I'm down and gives me a hug and cries with me. My dad may not understand but he is there even if we have a fight and that's important to me.

3. Write a letter to your anxiety or who is making you feel like that and then burn it. This technical will let you realise why you're upset and let you understand what to do next.

4. Let yourself cry and watch something that makes you remember all the good things in your life. To me, it is watching back my vlogs or watching Zoella or Sophdoesnails because I could watch them on repeat. In fact, I do because even though they don't have the same anxiety they do have anxiety so it makes me think if they can go on so can I.

If you have any others tips leave them in the comments below.

