Day to Day - Coffee Sunday

Photo Credit: Skye Collacott Williamson

Photo Credit: Skye Collacott Williamson

Photo Credit: Skye Collacott Williamson

Photo Credit: Skye Collacott Williamson

Photo Credit: Skye Collacott Williamson

Photo Credit: Skye Collacott Williamson

Photo Credit: Skye Collacott Williamson

Photo Credit: Skye Collacott Williamson

We all know how much I LOVE coffee. Lets just say having two parents who love coffee will make you also like coffee. The AMAZING Latte in the picture (do you say picture or photo?) is from Small Batch Coffee and it is soya. I highly recommend Small Batch Coffee there is one near the lanes and Wagamama and one on western road.
Do you know any good Coffee Shops let me know in the comments?
