Day to Day - Losing People

Hellooo!!! The Internet, Skyeina here. Throughout my life, I have lost friends mostly due to lack of understanding of my anxiety or just drifting away. You're not growing up if you're not losing friends. Recently I let go of one of my friends because she lacks understanding, wasn't there for me and I was tired of breaking myself to fix her. To be honest, I thought what is the point??? In a few years, she will be somewhere else and what we keep on fighting for only 2 years of wasteful friendship that really isn't worth the effort. Of course, it means I have lost friendships along with that one but if they really meant something we would still be friends. I still have friends from when I was 2 and even though we're far apart we're still close friends and when we see each other its like no time has past and that's true friendship. In another blog post I will talk about true friendships but for now, that's it from me.
Do you still have friendships from when you were little???
