Day to Day - My Trip to Canterbury

Photo Credit: Skye Collacott Williamson

Hellooo!!! The Internet, Skyeina here. During the Easter holidays, I went to Canterbury with my best friend and my parents. If you didn't know Canterbury is a lovely city near Kent and they do THE BEST CHOCOLATE STRAWBERRIES!

In the chocolate shop, I had white chocolate covered strawberries and white chocolate luxury hot chocolate whereas my best friend just had both with milk chocolate (still great but less rich).

I and my best friend love the chocolate shop and the interior is beautiful and we couldn't help but take photos...

Photo Credit: Isobel Doo Lawrie

Another must place to go in Canterbury is the Cathedral even if you're not going into the Cathedral you can explore the stunning gardens filled with flowers.

Photo Credit: Isobel Doo Lawrie

Photo Credit: Isobel Doo Lawrie

Photo Credit: Skye Collacott Williamson

Near the car park, there are these stunning gardens with massive trees and gorgeous flower beds coating the whole area.

Photo Credit: Isobel Doo Lawrie

Photo Credit: Isobel Doo Lawrie

Photo Credit: Isobel Doo Lawrie

Then I also came across another garden outside the Cathedral (btw if you can't tell I love gardens!)

Photo Credit: Isobel Doo Lawrie

Photo Credit: Skye Collacott Williamson

I absolutely love Canterbury and if you have any chocolate cafe recommendations. I would love to hear them in the comment section or email me at
