Anxiety- How to Improve your self esteem

Hellooo!!! The Internet, Skyeina here. So, today I'm discussing how to improve your self-esteem, and I completely understand insecurities especially when we're in a world that tells us we have to act and look a certain way.

I'm absolutely aware I'm not size 6 or even size 10 but I don't care anymore, I used to a lot but I don't care because I know I'm healthy and I do exercise. I used to go into changing rooms and cry my eyes out but the thing is everyone has different body types and because I'm short I'm expected to be flat-chested and super skinny which I'm clearly not.

How I improved my self-esteem is very simple to say but hard to put into action. I realised I shouldn't care what people say, and only care about what my two best friends and my parents think as they have my best interest since they aren't trying to tear me down to feel better about themselves.

One important thing to remember is everyone is insecure about something, you just have to be confident enough in yourself that you slay that walk every damn day. Also, remember to take care of yourself.

If you have any tips let me know in the comments or email me at
