Lifeina - New Year Resolutions

Hellooo!!! The Internet, Skyeina here. So, I heard if you make only three New Year Resolutions there is more chance you would actually stick to them. So, here it goes…

1. Improve my anxiety-
I know some people don’t have this struggle but it seems to affect every part of my life. So, this year I want to get extra help and try to help myself too. I'm thinking of starting a mood diary and I'll keep you all updated on here.

2. Do Yoga-
Before you think this links to fitness it isn’t for that reason. Instead to help both my mental health and my back pain. Its a horrible pain like a thousand little electric shocks and I feel paralysed for a few minutes. The pain just roars through me and its started to grow worse and more frequent. So, I'm going to do something about it and not completely ignored like I have been doing for years.

3.Take care of my teeth-
Before I had my braces I hated talking to people or even just a simple smile, however, now they are straight and exactly how they should be. But due to what I eat and drink aka juice and coffee they are very discoloured. I’ve already got my whitening kit but I’m also going to try to live without coffee. Which may be very difficult.

I’m not sure whether I will be able to live without coffee but I’ll try. What are your new year resolutions and tell me if you’ll stick to them- I’ll love to hear. Let me know in the comments or email me at

