Lifeina - Reputation

Photo Credit: Skye Collacott Williamson

Hellooo!!! The Internet, Skyeina here. So, we all have a reputation that stays with us throughout life, whether that be in school or work.

The thing is its mostly just one person’s view that has spread around. We all know its normally not good. This particular person is probably just guessing on your appearance or a fight they witnessed between you and a friend. All friends have fights. I should know more than anyone.

However, everyone has a different perspective like your crush would see you differently to a friend or a ‘friend’ or your family. 

If someone cares about you, they try to see you in the best light but if your just a classmate, they are going to judge you as hell. That's just how gossip and rumours work and it sucks. It's always there to remind you that you can't slip up.

The most important thing to remember is people are more than their reputation.

I'm worth more than a reputation, I’m only human.
I make mistakes and not learn from them.
We are worth more than a reputation.

If you disagree with me that’s fine. 

If you would like to share your experiences or opinions tell me them in the comments or email me at I would love to know. What’s your reputation???

