Lifestyle - Problems With Being A Teenage Girl

Hellooo!!! The Internet, Skyeina here. Every once in a while, I looked around me and think about who I am. I don’t mean personality wise but appearance-wise, I’m a teenage girl in a big city that is in a big world. When this happens I note down my emotions and list (I’m obsessed with lists).
Today, I’m blogging about the problems with being a teenage girl because most people think it’s easy when it’s not, we just have a lot of practice. I have written this post knowing some people are going into teenage life soon (Good Luck, you’ll need it)

1.    Stupid people care about how you feel about the opposite sex 
 Do you Love/Like like..?
2.    Stupid people care what you wear –
Top trends and if it suits you
3.    Stupid people care how you act 
One second they want you to be one thing then the opposite
Whilst you’re posted to know what you want to do with your life
As a result of number 4 (and chocolateJ)
Adding 4 + 6 = Mad Hatter
7.    Stupid people expect you to look perfect all the time 
Which numbers 4, 5+6 don’t help in
8.    Stupid people expect you to walk, pose and talk like a supermodel – Lending back to n.7
9.    Stupid people expect you to post to go wild on social media – And being number 8
10. Everyone is on your back waiting for you to fail and capture it to climb the social ladder 
All Above

STUPID people care about how you feel about the opposite sex
Does anyone have a life??? Wait, I don’t. Countless times a day, week and month I am asked-
The usual: do you like totally like, like bah bah??? (GET A LIFE)
The annoying: so like what’s up between you two??? (IDIOT)
The stockiest: so I see you two together all the time??? (WHAT THE HELL)
Etc. You get it (I dearly hope so).

STUPID people care what you wear
Once again, does anyone has a life??? To be honest, when you’re in school they take your life away because you need to focus on future life. It does get better when you’re old, it ridiculous even when you an adult people still what you to focus on the future. Anyway back to the topic (Skyeina, you idiot). The main reason people care is because they want to be original and faintly it is embarrassing when someone else has the same outfit. With the pressure of looking like the Kardashians and whatnot, people want the clothes to be tending and slimming. To add on they what to see what you wear so they can take you down if you wear the wrong clothes (oh no, we’re all going to die).

STUPID people care how you act
I’m sorry Hollywood we’re not all actors. Seriously, what the hell, you should stop caring about others and look at yourself. Okay, I’ve been called many things from goody tissues to the b-word (sorry not going to say it). It gets so confusing that STUPID, IDIOTIC and INANE people change their minds all the time. Who the hell do you what???
You can’t be a nightmare inside a daydream (as much as TS might sing it)

You get lots of hormones and mood swings that make you crazy
This really does not help number 3. People will tell you all your life about how unstable you will be when you a teen. If you do something wrong, ‘oh it’s because she’s a teenager who is on their period’. Wait a minute how is that fair, we have a big thing on our heads about how troublesome we are, we are about to choice our gsce and our lives. If it’s not because you’re crazy, it’s because you’re on your period. People need to grow up even grow ups.

You get lots and lots of spots
Life is hard but it’s harder when you have spots and extremely hard when you have acne. We have enough problems but it isn’t enough according to the spots and pores. Disgusting. Trust me, I have had many of spots in my time and it’s not over, my advice is to start your skincare in year 6 or at least in secondary school. Sadly, in my opinion, it just seems to be partly luck, which I suck at. Take care of your skin ladies.

You get lots of worries, can get anxiety and depression
Of course being a teen doesn’t mean you actually get mental health issues, most people do, it’s just more noticeable when you’re a teen. Changing as such. 1 in 4 people will have mental health issues at some point in their lives. Having worries are normal but can hurt if you don’t get them out. The best way to help this is to talk to someone, I know everyone says it but it can help. Even if it’s your diary.

STUPID people expect you to look perfect all the time
We’re not all Victoria secret angels. Thanks to touch ups on TVs and Photoshop on pictures, do we have this fantasy of perfect? In my opinion, what is perfect are the imperfects we don’t hide but show.

STUPID people expect you to walk, pose and talk like a supermodel
Our society is screwed up. This leads to most of the numbers on this list. How did we end up like this? You need to live your life your way and not in someone else’s shoes; their already taken so make your own, they can be sparkly or sophisticated. It’s your decision, however, remember you can’t undo the makings of it.

STUPID people expect you to post to go wild on social media
Not saying I hate social media, I love it but your ‘friends’ think you have to post every day, at least every other day. In school, you have three options- social life, sleep or good grades but you can’t have it all:
Social life + Sleep = Bad Grades (goodbye collage)
Sleep + Good Grades = No Social life (goodbye friends)
Good Grades + Social life = No Sleep (goodbye happiness)
Why is life so hard???


