Lifestyle - Thorpe Park Review

Hellooo!!! The Internet, Skyeina here. Today, I’m blogging about my two trips to Thorpe Park. As there are many rides I’m going write about it.
Swarm Island
The Swarm (min 1.4, max 196m) - This ride is my favourite, every time I go to Thorpe Park I always go on the Swarm. I love the atmosphere of the Swarm was the news to the emergency vehicles. The ride much like the vampire in Chessington. However, if you’re scared of highs and going upside down I do not recommend this.
Amity Beach
Stealth (min 1.4) - This ride is one of the most famous of Thorpe park as it’s the fastest in Thorpe park and is one of the best. To be honest, it is amazing and it is a once in a lifetime experience but if you don’t like heights I do not recommend this.
Tidal Wave (min 1.2) - This is another favourite for the soul reason how much fun it is but warning you get soaked. I’ve been on it 4 times and it’s a water ride. Afterward, many times I and my friends would stand in front of the bridge to get even more soaked. Once my friend C tricked us (expect me and my friend I) into standing there, M got soaked.
Flying Fish (min 0.9) – This ride I’m embarrassed to say I’ve been on 3 times. The main reason was we were with our school and we didn’t have much time so, me, I, M and Yay went on. Mostly to annoy M and it worked, also we needed to find out information we thought M would have.
Storm Surge (min 1.1m) – This ride is a water ride and not the best. It’s quite boring but great for the kids.
Depth Charge (min 0.9) – This was a good ride and is fun. Me, I, C, M and L raced down and I say only to go on it if you are running out of time because there are many rides like it.

Lost City
Colossus (min 1.4) – This is one of the big five and has many loops, so if you get dizzy I do not recommend this for you. When in the line you can choose to go into the front line and trust me it’s worth it.
Vortex (min 1.4) – This is a great ride and makes you float. However, if you’re afraid of heights I do not recommend this for you.
Zodiac (min 0.9, max 1.4) – I really do not like this and many of my friends do not like this either. You may like this if you like feeling like you’re going to crash your head and die.

Old Town
Saw (min 1.4) – OMG, I absolutely love this ride but warning it may scare some as it has a vertical slope. Once I went on next to a screaming girl and my friend, I, hated going on it at first but at the end wanted to go on again. Highly recommended.

The Jungle
Nemesis Inferno (min 1.4) – This is one of the big five and isn’t horrifying but isn’t boring.

Angry Birds Land
Detonator: Bomb Away (min 1.3) – This ride is one of those where you either love it or hate it. I went on with ‘I’, C and M because L was afraid of heights. M wanted C to hold his hand because he was so scared and ‘I’ wanted to hold my head. One thing I would say is it can hurt, not recommend for people with the fear of heights.
King Pig’s Wild Hog Dodgems (min 1.1) – This may be a simple ride but with great friends it’s great.

