Lifestyle - 14 Things I Have Learnt At 14

Hellooo!!! The Internet, Skyeina here. Today, I’m blogging about the many, many things I have learned at 14.
Most of the things I have learned are cringe but are true, so let’s go to it.
1. Say Yes but don’t be afraid to say no
2. Have fun, alone and with others
3. Smile
4. Don’t make life complex- Miss someone: call, Wanna see someone: invite, wanna be understood: explain, have a question: ask, don’t like something: say it, like something: state it, want something: ask for it, love something: tell it. We have one life, keep it simple.
5. Be yourself
6. Make friend and be nice
7. Work hard but have lazy days too
8. Be both selfish and selfless
9. Let things go and forgive
10. Don’t judge people
11. If you wear heels bring spare shoes or lots of bad aids
12. Stick to your decisions
13. Be around people whom you care about and who cares about you
14. Follow your dreams
