Lifestyle - Christmas Hot Drinks

Photo Credit: Skye Collacott Williamson

Hellooo!!! The Internet, Skyeina here. Today, I'm blogging about something I love- Coffeee and Hot Chocolate -especially at Christmas.

Photo Credit: Skye Collacott Williamson

Costa Coffee-
Gingerbread Latte- I adore gingerbread and mix with latte equals one of my favs. The gingerness hugs you and the coffee warms you from the crisp outside.
Photo Credit: Skye Collacott Williamson

Spiced Orange Latte- Mine goodness the latte has a hint of orange and goes great with their chocolate orange filled muffin.

Spiced Orange Hot Chocolate- These two flavors combine to make an amazing taste and perfect for those chocolate lovers. Plus on the side have their gingerbread filled muffin its gorgeous.

Salted Caramel Latte- Normally I'm not Caramel fan but my friend had it first and I try it. One word: I was amazed and I had to get it the next day. The caramel comments the latte.

If you have anything you want me to blog about let me now in the comments.

