Anxiety - "I'm Fine" The Lie People Tell

Hellooo!!! The Internet, Skyeina here. You know when you ask someone how they are and they respond with: 'I'm Fine'
You know they really aren't because they're either-

  • Annoyed
  • Upset and don't want to talk about it
  • Busy
  • Mixed emotions
  • They really need space because the words 'I'm Fine' is a conversation shut down' 
I really do hate 1. Saying 'I'm Fine' and 2. Someone responding with 'I'm Fine' because I want people to feel like they can be themselves but they can't or they feel like people will 'judge' them. Let's be honest how many times do you respond with 'I'm Fine' because boys and girls I know you aren't and I would rather you just say what you actually want to say not what you think people want you to say. 

*Small Fact*
In less, they're your friend they really don't care so don't respond or say it sarcastically as that really annoys people because to be honest people want to feel they have done their part.

