Anxiety - Dear Friends of People with Anxiety

Photo Credit: Isobel Doo Lawrie

Hellooo!!! So, I have done a similar post to this but as a list of what they can do in a list but instead, I'm going to explain in a letter i wish i could give to my friends to explain my anxiety and i'm sure many other people feel this way too.

Dear Friend,
I don't want you to get hurt so I push you away but honestly I want you to stay and tell me that it's okay- something so simple but its hard to tell someone thats what you want. I fear when I have a panic attack you will leave me in the cold alone when I need you the most. I don't want you to worry; I just want to know that you're there when I need someone to talk to. What I really want is for you to annoyingly check up on me and just give me a hug for no damn reason. That's the truth, my truth at least.

If there is anything else you want me to do on my blog let me know in the comment section or email me at
