Lifestyle - Saying Goodbye to People

Photo Credit: Isobel Doo Lawrie

Hellooo!!! Today, I'm writing a blog post that I've wanted to write for a long time but wasn't ready to. My dad works in Saudi Arabia and has for the last 2 years and is coming back to England in a few weeks and before Saudi, he worked in Belgium and Luxembourg and so I'm discussing what it's like to have to say goodbye to someone.

A bit of back story-
My dad and I have never been really close till the year before he went to Saudi and I would see him all the time, so when he went it was even harder than the times before.

Of course, he comes back but many of you may say I must be happy when he is back and I really want to be. It's just when you know someone has to leave you again, for the whole week before they come back you're an emotional wreck (even worse than usual) and when they come back it means you have to say goodbye one more damn time and it hurts it really hurts. 

Another thing many people say to do is talk to that person daily but the problem is those are the same people who have never had someone leave them. The main reason this advice doesn't work is because frankly if I do talk to him it hurts more and its just easier to pretend he is not even here which, to be honest, is kind of sick and I wish I didn't to do it. Its just the easier thing to do because if you do talk to them all the memories come back and you miss them even more.

I'm not just writing this blog post to rant but to show how it feels because way too often people jump to conclusions on how you must feel. Also, i know many other people who's parents are working aboard and I'm just here to say you aren't alone in how you feel right now and there are people who understand the situation you're in.

If you do have any helpful advice let me know in the comments or email me at
