Lifeina- Top Halloween Movies

Hellooo!!! The Internet, Skyeina here. So, today I'm discussing my top Halloween movies (these do not include horror) because I literally have nothing else to do at Halloween than watch movies as I'm just too anti-social to actually socialise or make plans on Halloween.

The one and only classic Halloween film you must watch is Hocus Pocus because its truly amazing and obviously my favourite character is the cat. If you haven't watched it I feel deeply offended but I'll explain it. So, the basics: there is a tale of the three witches that were once banished and the house is haunted and if you light the candle they will come back. As you may expect, a stupid teenager thought it would be a great idea to light it (absolute idiot) and they get chased by them (once again a round of applause for that idiot) and they need to put them back.

Another classic series you need to watch is Halloween Town as its just the best. Like just watch it, just please watch it. Long story short: there is a family of witches but the children don't know (shocker right) but their grandma comes to town and they take a trip to the weird and wonderful place of Halloween Town but something is off.

If you have any other film recommendations let me know in the comments or email me at

