Life- I might just be the Clumsiest person in the world

Hellooo!!! The Internet, Skyeina here. Honestly, you may not believe me when I say I’m literally the clumsiest person in Brighton. I’m sorry but no normal person goes to the train station and whilst their walking suddenly bang into a big blue box and get a bruise on their head. Besides from that fact I think I’ve made it very clear on this blog that I’m a bit insane- no actually maybe a bit more than that- but its fun to be insane.

So, there’s this corner in Brighton next to Tesco and Carrlocous in the Jubilee Library area when it slopes and curves and its a big PROBLEM for people like me. Like let’s be real I always slip and you can guarantee in the winter I will do a whole stage performance of falling and gymnastics; they should cast me for the next James Bond film.

Okay so this next one I’m not completely sure how the hell I did it but it's me- that’s my explanation for everything. So, I was just casually walking outside my hotel and small batch (in the same area, it must be just my own hazard zone) and well, to say the least, they have these big stone white pillar things and you can probably guess what happened. I literally had to the biggest bump on my forehead and I believe it's the main reason my forehead is so damn big now.

Well, thats only a couple of my clumsy incidents, I may do more but if you have any please let me know in the comments or email me at I really want to feel as I not the only stupidly clumsy person in the world.

