Lifeina- 15 Things I Learnt at 15

Hellooo!!! The Internet, Skyeina here. So, today I turned 15 and honestly I have no idea how the time has gone so fast. To celebrate my Birthday I'm going to blog 15 things I learnt at 15. 

1) Keep Going and Growing

So many times this year I almost felt like giving up but I remember all the decisions I chose effect who I'm going to be and I don't want to give up but instead to gon on even if its hard because everything that is hard to achieve is worth it.

2) You may be thinner than me, but not prettier

How many times this year I was told being skinny is beautiful is almost ridiculous but I'm not skinny shamming because I know how hard my friend works to be her size and I applaud that. However, that doesn't mean you should jump to the conclusion that all I do is eat junk food and watch tv all day. I get it, I'm not a skinny girl but that doesn't make me any lesser than people and I actually take good care of myself thank you very much.

3) You may not agree with someone but you have to respect them

Of course, when someone says something racist, homophobic and sexist you can't help but roll your eyes. However, no matter how much you don't agree with their opinions you have to respect their opinions or you're just as bad as them.

4) Know when to say something and when to be quiet

Honestly, there is nothing worse than a know-it-all because it's just annoying.

5) Let your success speak for itself

Seriously, I would be happy for you but if you tell me 24/7 I'm going to stop caring because being a show-off is not a good thing at all. So please just let your success speak for itself.

6) People with dreams become people with visions

Some will tell you all your life that you can't do it but if you willing to work extremely hard you can achieve it and most importantly don't stop telling. If you don't do someone thing 100% you won't get it but if you do you have a chance.

7) Hustle, hustle, hustle

There is no point doing something if you won't hustle, work hard and be kind. If you want something get it no-one else can.

8) Walk the walk

Be who you wanna be. In 10 years where do you want to be and who do you want to be.

9) Don't let your child self down

School sometimes crushes dreams but your child self wouldn't care what others think or let someone get in there way. Your child-self had a dream don't leave them disappointed.

10) Everyone Hurts

No matter how much someone is putting something on, people do hurt and choose your words carefully. You never know how your words will hurt someone.

11) No matter how you feel wake up, work hard and hustle

Even on the days, you feel ill, you still need to try your hardest and do everything you can because all these days add up to make a success.

12) Study whilst they party, work whilst they sleep

You may not see it now but you'll see it in five years

13) You can't work in life if you're losing in your mind

You need to believe in yourself or no-one else will and you will lose because if you can picture it you can achieve it.

14) There are some things you need you can't learn


-Work Ethic

15) Sometimes it's not how good you are but how bad you want it

If you have talent that's great but if you can't be bothered it means nothing.

Well, that's all but if you have any other lessons or questions let me know in the comments or email me at

