Blogmas Day 9 - Dramatic Situations

Hellooo!!! The Internet, Skyeina here. So lately, I’ve been feeling lost, it's the kinda lost, where you feel bored with waking up and going to school and having the same conversations over and over with the same people. Like honestly why isn’t there a GPS for your life? 

I’ve decided to make some changes and I’ve already made some. I broke a toxic friendship and it made me feel so much happier but she seems gone and unhappy. I want to help her but then I remember all the things she did and she never cared, all she wanted was a best friend and boyfriend that's all and didn’t care who she had to hurt to get it. Anyway, the reason I feel lost in the whole situation is I want to help but I know I shouldn’t, but then again I’m bored of her stupid dramatic situations.

Another change I’ve made is what I tell people because as I’ve seen first hand you need to trust someone fully before you tell someone anything or you will get into an argument, and next thing they would have told everyone, and it would have changed so much. Before you know it, something simple like you don’t think someone is as annoying anymore to ‘oh yeah she has a major crush on him'. On her snapchat, she said blah blah’ (even though, you know it couldn’t possibly just be a song lyric ?!). 

Why some people have to make a whole dramatic rumour is beyond me but if you have any changes you want to make let me know in the comments or email me at 

