Books- Mirror, Mirror Review- Cara Delevingne

How do I even start? Plot twist after plot twist. Amazing characters whom everyone can connect with... let's catch you up.

Photo Credit: Skye Collacott Williamson

Red: They're struggling with who they are? In love with their best friend, whilst another best friend is in a coma, waiting for them to figure out what happened. Life at school is difficult enough but its better than home. An alcoholic of a mum, a cheater for a dad and Red has to look after the younger sister.

Rose: Radiates confidence, walks the halls with her head held high and everyone loves her. That's what she shows. Both her two best friends are in love with her but she has trust issues. She has a secret. Her parents couldn't care less about her, relationships that always ends badly and struggles with letting people see who she really is. 

Leo: The Tough boy from the wrong side of the tracks. Reputation is always misleading, he has a manipulative brother just released from jail and a mother who tries her best to protect Leo. Will Leo go back to helping his brother, or stand up to him and risk everything?

Photo Credit: Skye Collacott Williamson

Ash: Naomi's sister. Hacks into anything and everything for the sake of helping Red and her sister. Acts tough and unbreakable but as she digs into her sister's past how much can she take, till its too much?

Naomi: All the sudden ran away, lands up in the River Thames and is in a coma. Did she run away alone or with whomever she wrote those songs about?

Mr Smith: All their favourite teacher, helped them bring together the band- Mirror, Mirror. He's always there for them, looks after them and helps them every day. But after class, who is he really?

You only see so much of someone, behind closed doors who are they? When you look in the mirror who do you see?

Never been so shocked before, if you liked 13 minutes read this.

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